Quantum Consciousness:
The Physics of Miracles
5 Week Online Class Begins January 23, 2025

Enter the Realm of Miracles and Magic–
Flow * Intuitive Hits * Synchronicities * Sensing Energies * Lightness of being * Faster manifesting * Shift negative energies * Presence in body, mind and spirit * De-energizing your triggers
These are just some of the qualities that describe living from higher dimensional reality as 5D humans. And all while being very much present and active in this 3D life.
Are you feeling some of this? Looking to experience more? This is where we are being drawn by our souls to create a new way of being human, and thereby transforming life on Earth.
Humans are being awakened from eons of programming of fear, limitation, weakness, victimization. So many earth changes, so much turmoil across the globe!
In this 5 week deep dive, you will learn how to
- Enter this realm
- Make it your new normal
- Step more into your 5D evolved human self.
- Use tools to allow you to connect up higher
- Create new habits, and new ways of interacting with the every day aspects of your own life.
I will take you into
- Cutting edge science, based in Quantum Physics, that opens the door to expanded reality states. No math though–it’s not that kind of science!!
- Meditative experiences so you will actually anchor these higher vibrations into the very cells of the body so you feel the shifts for yourself.
You will come away with
- A much bigger awareness of what reality is, how we create it
- How we can shift it, and our part in the bigger picture.
All these things are a huge help in becoming our 5D selves–and as a result, shifting what our 3D reality looks like.
I have been working with these concepts and practices for over 15 years and I share with you what has changed me and the hundreds of clients and students over the years.
“Quantum” is a big buzz word these days, but most of the time it’s never really explained — just some vague sense of something big and cosmic out there.
Or it goes in the other direction as hard core scientific language, with huge, long, complicated mathematical equations, or tedious formulas that leave your eyes crossed. And so we move on. No math here, just so you know!!!
Each class session includes:
- Teaching
- Guided Energy Attunement and Upgrade
- Take Home Practices and Tools
- Class notes for reference
- Discussion
Let me show you how it works in your life! This knowledge is such a gift. Quantum Consciousness, this physics of miracles, forms the framework for the healing work I do and for my own spiritual growth.
Here is some of what I want to share with you:
- A practical and user friendly introduction to Morphic Fields, Waves and Particles, Quantum Entanglement and Interference Patterns. We discover how these are operating all the time in our lives, and learn how to work with them more efficiently and effectively.
- New understandings of how reality is created, maintained, shifted and tools for working with that
- An Expanded view of yourself as a timeless quantum being
- Transcending time and space to heal the past and the future, as well as other dimensions in which our soul is having experiences.
How these teachings give us permission to create rules of engagement with higher consciousness
How to neutralize and harmonize the energetic fields in which we live and work
- And more!
And if you are a practitioner, the material in this course will super charge the modalities and practices you may be working with now, because you will have a deeper understanding of why and how they work. I have a couple of clients who are Reiki practitioners and now they call their work “Quantum Reiki”!
All sessions will be recorded and sent out after the session so live attendance is not absolutely necessary.
This course is the foundation course for certification as a Quantum Shift Breathwork Healer/Facilitator. Contact Meredith if you want more information about that.
I know from my 15 plus years of living and working with this material, that now more than ever, discernment and a larger perspective of what reality is and can be, is absolutely crucial. I also firmly know that the material in this course can provide the knowledge, tools, concepts, and most importantly, the energetic support to give us more access to that.
Dates: 5 Thursdays– Beginning Jan 23, 2025
Time: 5:45 PM, PDT/MST
Where: Zoom (log in is sent upon registration)
Cost: $395
All sessions are recorded–live attendance is not required–(but way more fun!!)
Venmo: Meredith-Davis-40
Zelle: 602-625-0082
Paypal: meredithdavis1@gmail.com (friends and family please)