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Tag: dying consciously

The Ultimate Breath Journey

  Life is a breath journey.  When we learn to live consciously, connecting with the breath, feeling what’s moving through us, even the most mundane

A Fat Purple Foot, Oh My!

December 12, 2014 Something is finally breaking open inside me. It has been cooking for 2 weeks.  Or more accurately, my soul has been nudging

Fire in My Soul

Summer is fire season in Arizona and, living here, we always hope it won’t be a bad one.  Right now, there is a huge fire

Breathing Bliss

This is a segment of some writing that came through a couple of mornings ago, as i sat with my morning cup, enjoying the still

Noticing what I Notice–

LOOK OVER HERE! Now more than ever we are hearing news of  research campaigns looking for a cure for the diseases that plague us (literally). 

New Original Painting

This is a painting I completed a few months ago, and is part of my Masters Degree project in Shamanic Intuitional Practices which I received

Stepping Through Portals

As I write this, I’m in Portales New Mexico, the morning after John and I taught a weekend workshop to Counseling grad students and therapists

More Fun on the Path–Revisited

I imported my old blog posts into my website, and they all got posted to Facebook!  I figured–no accidents, so I took another look.  If

On Raven Wings

It is my distinct honor to be introducing this new blog authored by my friend and colleague, Meredith Star Raven. Her medicine name reflects her

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